Oh, the digital age! We live in times where every moment in our lives is photographed… just to end up lost in the cloud, a hard drive,
a computer, a phone. We take more pictures than ever in history and yet we preserve (print) them less. Every time a client tells me they
don’t want a wedding album, my heart breaks a little bit –and I get it! They want to spend as little as possible on their wedding
photographer, they’ll “do it later”, they’ll settle for the digitals.
If you’re planning a wedding, looking for a wedding photographer, or if your wedding photos are sitting in a USB right now, I want you to think of this:
How many times have you gone to your parents’ or your grandparents’ house and spent an afternoon going down memory
lane flipping through old photo books? It’s such an experience to hold your photographs, not just scroll through them.
I’ve seen friends and family go deep into their closets, their basements, attics to pull out the old family photos. I’ve heard of people
going back to their flooded homes and one of the top things they look to save is their wedding or family photos, but never a USB or hard drive.
I’ve seen lots of people lose their phones or computers and lose access to so many photos. Cloud storage passwords are not something
you can pass on to your children, friend.
Elevate your wedding photographs with bespoke wedding albums
I’m so proud of the quality of each order that has gone out to their forever homes. Possibly your first heirloom as a family.
A uniquely and carefully designed album you will hold and view together, with your children.
Currently, I have one wedding package that includes a 10×10 bespoke wedding album, all my other packages include printing credit
at a professional printing lab, so you never miss out the opportunity to have good quality prints from one of the best days of your lives.
The design process begins approximately four weeks after your final gallery is delivered. Depending on the size of your wedding, between
80 and 100 images are carefully selected and organized across spreads (or layouts) that beautifully tell the story of your wedding day.
Three rounds of proofing are included with each album design, so you get to review and approve the design before the next step.
Whether you’re a currently booked client of mine or if you’re shopping for a wedding photographer, if you’d like to see my complete
wedding pricing guide or bespoke album guide, I would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form right here
and I’ll be in touch with you
and if you are on social media, let’s be friends! With bespoke album every order, I do a video reveal so you can see
more of what these beautiful heirlooms look like.